Matthew Roderick - W.C.C.

Pen & Paths Worksheet


I. Creating Selections from Paths
Enhance selection precision using Pen & Paths.

A. Path Creation

1) Create New Path from Path Options. Name accordingly, select OK.

New Path

2) Grab the Pen Tool Pen and place Anchor Points along the subject edge. Continue to place points to completely close Path edges.

Begin Pen
Pen Complete

3) Zoom in and Refine Path using Convert Point Tool Cnvrt by adjusting Anchor Points. Add/Subtract Points using other Pen Tools Add Del.

Pen Complete
Pen Refine 2

4) Choose Make Selection under the Path options menu. 0 Feather Radius for the selection here. Save feathering for the Layer Mask.

* Using the Gaussian Blur on a Layer Mask is a great feather method.


5) Double-click the Background Layer and Name accordingly.

* The Background changes from Locked to a New Layer that can be altered.

New Layer

6) With selection still active, go to Select>Menu>Inverse Selection.


7) Add a Layer Mask by clicking Layer Button on the Layers palette.

* White reveals/black conceals info on Layer Masks and Alpha Channels.

Layer Mask
Final Image

© 2007, Matthew Roderick